Friday, December 16, 2011

Conference call doodles


Yes, I doodle during conference calls. But not YOURS; promise!

(Taken at iCrossing - Hearst Tower)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Definition of an ???Apple fanboy??? and those that use the term

Apple fanboy: Someone who is tired of technology being difficult and knows there is something better; someone that loves to get the job done instead of working on their machine; a person that isn???t afraid of breaking the status quo; someone that appreciates quality design and workmanship; a person that realizes cheapest isn???t always best.

Apple fanboys are commonly confused with the sensible people of society.

A person that calls you a fanboy: A person that can???t handle the fact that Apple, not Microsoft or Google, is the company that is bringing all of the above to the world. These people often hack their devices to make them look like Apple???s devices.