Wednesday, February 25, 2009



This is a (poor quality) clip from ‘Pink Dot’ by Takeshi Murata. Instead of seeing it as a limiting factor, Murate leverages video compression and artifacting to his advantage in creating his art.


Via Hackety

Tuesday, February 24, 2009



Mondrianum 2: A Mac OS X color-picker plugin that works with Adobe’s Kuler. Hawte.



280 Atlas

Looks like an amazing way to create web apps with the Cappucino. (via @jeresig)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

5 Ideas that Developers Wish Designers Understood

Bill Scott, Netflix Director of UI Engineering, on what engineers wish designers understood:

“…After listening to hundreds of comments and reflecting on my own experience I boiled it down to five simple ideas that developers wish designers understood.”

  1. The site is dynamic. Photoshop is static???the site is not. The site is dynamic in content, layout and interaction. It’s too easy to forget all of the details that come about when users get involved. But engineers end up having to fill in the gap where the designer has not accounted for all of these dynamic concerns.

  2. Technology is critical. Web design without technology is just art. You must understand the magic that gets it on the site. Designers that “get” the unique challenges of getting their designs live can make smart choices up front and anticipate problems or even better arrive at more elegant solutions.

  3. Components are key. Developers think in terms of reuse. Designers often think in terms of new ideas. To be effective you must plan for the common elements and interactions as this will map into a better experience as well as a more efficient use of engineering time.

  4. Partnership is imperative. It’s tempting to design and toss over the wall. But the real magic happens during collaboration. Communication and constant iterative engagement are key to fielding a great user experience.

  5. “Yes We Can!” Interface engineers have the power to say “yes” more than ever. And there are a lot of technology advances coming that if you are aware of as a designer you will enlarge your toolkit of tricks. Good interface engineers see problems as challenges and instead of trying to whittle your designs out of existence they will try to make it happen. Good engineers want to say “Yes”.

You can read the whole article on Rosenfeld Media.


Google Reader (Greader) is one of my workhorse applications. Helvetireader is a GreaseMonkey script made for viewing unread feeds in expanded view - the majority of my reading - and beautified with Helvetica. I have it loaded; just need a feed to post an update. :-)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

:javascript => 'Sprockets'

From the site: “Sprockets is a Ruby library that preprocesses and concatenates JavaScript source files.”

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Google's 16 Principles of Innovation

  • Hire the Best
  • Ideas Come From Anywhere
  • Practice Sharing & Openness Fully
  • Morph, Don???t Kill, Ideas
  • Users Come First, Not Money
  • Data Drives Decisions
  • Iterate a Product (don???t use a Project Plan)
  • Make Your Vision Simple, Understandable and Share It With All
  • 20% Time
  • Think BIG
  • Bet on a Trend, or Fall Victim to It
  • Accept a Smaller Piece of a Larger Pie
  • Feed the Winners, Starve the Losers
  • Avoid Hippos (highest paid person???s opinion)
  • Never Surrender to Lawyers, Auditors, or Bureaucrats
  • Reward Innovation
  • Learn How to Learn (a 17th extra principle)
Watch a video about Technical innovation at Google



The New York Times’ TimesPeople API

Monday, February 16, 2009

Sunday, February 15, 2009



Mac Amazon Browser

Browse Amazon using a familiar Finder-like interface. No Coverflow (yet), but a quick and easy way to access the site if you just want to browse.

Saturday, February 14, 2009



You’re a geek. Embrace it.


Damn, I really need more than 24 hours in a day…

Arduino + Twitter (+ RAD*) = Geek love

*I’m adding this to the equation: