Sunday, December 21, 2008


    I’m not in a wheelchair, but if I was, I hope to be as kick-ass as these folks. What can you learn from watching this video?

    • Be a free-thinker
    • Believe in yourself
    • You can do it!
    • Don’t accept “no, can’t, won’t, don’t, not”… ever

    Saturday, December 20, 2008

    Friday, December 19, 2008



    I used to play massive amounts of roller hockey, and I’ve been known to hit the ice, but it’s been a (long) time. So, when the family went to the American Museum of Natural History, we jumped at the chance to try the skating rink.

    We were excited! We immediately rented skates, changed into them, and got right out on the ice… er… synthetic ice. Yes, it was made from plastic interlocking pieces, and while it looks just like ice in the photo, it didn’t act like ice. Much to our dismay, it was amazingly terrible. You couldn’t skate on it; the skates just slid all over the place making it impossible to get traction to actually, well, skate. Everyone was just standing still or falling. There wasn’t much in between. And when you fell, you’d get covered with all of the little plastic shavings the skates were carving out of the “ice.” Funny thing is, the justification was that it was more eco-friendly. More eco-friendly than ice in the winter? Huh?

    Didn’t anyone try out the synthetic ice before building an entire installation of this crap? The planetarium is amazing, but AMNH gets an epic fail for the rink.

    Wednesday, December 17, 2008


    I take Metro North commuter rail into the city (NY), which terms at Grand Central Terminal but I work on 17th and Park Avenue South. Occasionally, I’ll walk the whole way, but most of the time I take the subway due to time constraints. Maybe if I had the Strida folding bicycle, I’d bike from 42nd to work. Extra credit: belt-drive. NO grease on your pant leg. I love the details.


    Friday, December 12, 2008


    Finally. Not a flash card. Not a video of everyone in the office singing. I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard the same old retreaded idea couched in “c’mon, it’ll be fun!” No, it won’t.

    Nice work AKQA.



    This is just crazy talk, in an insanely great kind of a way.

    Not Fucking Good Enough

    Couldn’t agree more. Mr. Stephen Fry of TopGear fame discusses Apple and their competitors, among other things.

    Wednesday, December 10, 2008

    :ruby => 'Enumerable#inject'

    Jay Field’s thoughts on Ruby’s Enumerable#inject method.

    :more_time => 'shorter letter'

    ???I have only made this letter longer because I have not had the time to make it shorter.???

    Blaise Pascal, (1623-1662) Lettres provinciales.

    Not that the story need be long, but it will take a long while to make it short.

    Henry David Thoreau

    If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter.

    Marcus T. Cicero

    You know that I write slowly. This is chiefly because I am never satisfied until I have said as much as possible in a few words, and writing briefly takes far more time than writing at length.

    Karl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855)

    It is my ambition to say in ten sentences what others say in a whole book.


    The more you say, the less people remember. The fewer the words, the greater the profit.


    No one who has read official documents needs to be told how easy it is to conceal the essential truth under the apparently candid and all-disclosing phrases of a voluminous and particularizing report???.

    Woodrow Wilson

    ???If you want me to give you a two-hour presentation, I am ready today.?? If you want only a five-minute speech, it will take me two weeks to prepare.???

    Mark Twain

    From Dangerous Intersection via Daring Fireball



    A Mac OS X Leopard developer tool for debugging HTTP services by graphically creating & inspecting complex HTTP messages.

    Via Dan Benjamin


    I needed the laugh. Thanks.

    Monday, December 8, 2008

    Sunday, December 7, 2008



    You’re just jealous that YOU didn’t design this masterpiece.

    Via DaringFireball.



    Google Reader Absolutely Compact. Giving it a try right now.

    Friday, December 5, 2008





    I recently stumbled upon (using Google, not StumbleUpon) MarkMail for searching mailing list archives. Not sure if it’s new, but I dig the layout, speed, and coverage.

    Thursday, December 4, 2008

    :macosx => 'LDAPManager'

    I’ve been using Apache’s Directory Studio, and JXplorer, but just found LDAPManager, which is a native Cocoa app for browsing LDAP trees. Ahhh.

    Update: Overall I like the simplicity of LDAPManager’s interface, but it appears to have a significant bug: it drops the connection to the server (in my case, AD) and trying to re-connect hangs the app. Will keep testing…



    Have a mashup, and don’t need the heavy-lifting of MySQL or PostgreSQL? Try NextDB.



    Flickr color search lab. Simple. Easy. Impactful.



    Seamless patterns.



    Love Type. Love the iPhone. Together forever (or, as long as the site is up).

    Tuesday, December 2, 2008



    Create your own Radiohead Rainbow.



    The Grid System: “The ultimate resource in grid systems.”


    [vimeo w=400&h=300]

    Tilt-shift rocks. Metal Heart (via Vimeo)