Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Languages don???t scale. Architectures scale.

Ezra Zygmuntowicz

Monday, May 19, 2008



Todd over at Five Runs saw my post on New Relic, and hooked me up with a Beta invite. Moof! What’s very interesting is that it’ll monitor not just my Rails app, but the entire Rails stack.

Yes, I could run Monit, or something similar, but I really like having everything bundled together, enabling me to have a holistic view of the entire stack. I _think_ It requires Ruby 1.8.6, but my Linux box is currently running 1.8.4, so I’ll have to upgrade. That means it’s going to be at least 2 weeks before I get to this, but I’m very interested in seeing how this works.??

Stay tuned.??

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Thursday, May 15, 2008



Another one of those “I thought that I posted this already…”


Ruby implementation of Google’s Map/Reduce framework. Haute.



Received my New Relic RPM invitation last night. Installation was as simple as installing the plugin, and uploading a YAML file. Starting getting stats almost immediately after I restarted the app. Moof!

I’ll keep you posted as today will be the first test of RPM and my Rails app.



Color Flip

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Top 100 Rails Sites (by traffic)


I’ve known about this one for a while, but I don’t think I’ve ever posted it (and too tired at the moment to check the archives).

It’s worth noting that Twitter is _not_ the #1 site by traffic (not including API traffic, which probably makes it number one or two behind Friends For Sale), and that I don’t hear about the six sites above Twitter - which include hulu.com, penny-arcade.com, yellowpages.com, and scribd.com - having downtime issues like Twitter. Hmmm.



John Resig has ported the Processing visualization language to JavaScript. Yes, really.



Beers with Microsoft



Delish, a Del.icio.us Client for Mac OS X

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Google UX


1. Focus on people???their lives, their work, their dreams.
2. Every millisecond counts.
3. Simplicity is powerful.
4. Engage beginners and attract experts.
5. Dare to innovate.
6. Design for the world.
7. Plan for today’s and tomorrow’s business.
8. Delight the eye without distracting the mind.
9. Be worthy of people’s trust.
10. Add a human touch.

Converting Ruby 1.9 Bytecode to Python


Awesome. Looks like I won’t need to learn Python to utilize my Google Apps Engine account.

Information Design Patterns


Thursday, May 1, 2008