Saturday, February 20, 2010

Custom Colors in Snow Leopard Terminal, 64-bit Edition

Here's the 64-bit Snow Leopard update to Ciarán Walsh's original blog post on customizing colors in Leopard terminal. 
Here's what you need:
Not required, but recommended:
Here's what you do: 
  1. Download and install SIMBL
  2. Download @timmfin's TerminalColors SIMBL bundle and install it to ~Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins/ (create the directory if it doesn't exist)
  3. Download and install the IR_Black Terminal Theme
  4. Edit your .profile (or .bash_profile) file (create the file in your home directory, if it doesn't exist) to include:
    # Colorize the Terminalexport CLICOLOR=1;
  5. Open/Restart Terminal, open Prefs, and ensure that the "More..." button appears in the Text windows of the Settings tab (see below)
  6. That's it! Open a new terminal window, and you should have beautiful color!