I’m not in a wheelchair, but if I was, I hope to be as kick-ass as these folks. What can you learn from watching this video?
- Be a free-thinker
- Believe in yourself
- You can do it!
- Don’t accept “no, can’t, won’t, don’t, not”… ever
I’m not in a wheelchair, but if I was, I hope to be as kick-ass as these folks. What can you learn from watching this video?
I used to play massive amounts of roller hockey, and I’ve been known to hit the ice, but it’s been a (long) time. So, when the family went to the American Museum of Natural History, we jumped at the chance to try the skating rink.
We were excited! We immediately rented skates, changed into them, and got right out on the ice… er… synthetic ice. Yes, it was made from plastic interlocking pieces, and while it looks just like ice in the photo, it didn’t act like ice. Much to our dismay, it was amazingly terrible. You couldn’t skate on it; the skates just slid all over the place making it impossible to get traction to actually, well, skate. Everyone was just standing still or falling. There wasn’t much in between. And when you fell, you’d get covered with all of the little plastic shavings the skates were carving out of the “ice.” Funny thing is, the justification was that it was more eco-friendly. More eco-friendly than ice in the winter? Huh?
Didn’t anyone try out the synthetic ice before building an entire installation of this crap? The planetarium is amazing, but AMNH gets an epic fail for the rink.
I take Metro North commuter rail into the city (NY), which terms at Grand Central Terminal but I work on 17th and Park Avenue South. Occasionally, I’ll walk the whole way, but most of the time I take the subway due to time constraints. Maybe if I had the Strida folding bicycle, I’d bike from 42nd to work. Extra credit: belt-drive. NO grease on your pant leg. I love the details.
I don’t know about you, but I think my iPhone would feel tainted if I installed this. Maybe I’ll buy it a drink (or two) first.
Paraphrasing Triumph: I neeeeed, I neeeeed!
Finally. Not a flash card. Not a video of everyone in the office singing. I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard the same old retreaded idea couched in “c’mon, it’ll be fun!” No, it won’t.
Nice work AKQA.
Couldn’t agree more. Mr. Stephen Fry of TopGear fame discusses Apple and their competitors, among other things.
An RDoc command for Mozilla Ubiquity. Nice. Thanks @grnbeagle!
Jay Field’s thoughts on Ruby’s Enumerable#inject method.
???I have only made this letter longer because I have not had the time to make it shorter.???
Blaise Pascal, (1623-1662) Lettres provinciales.
Not that the story need be long, but it will take a long while to make it short.
Henry David Thoreau
If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter.
Marcus T. Cicero
You know that I write slowly. This is chiefly because I am never satisfied until I have said as much as possible in a few words, and writing briefly takes far more time than writing at length.
Karl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855)
It is my ambition to say in ten sentences what others say in a whole book.
The more you say, the less people remember. The fewer the words, the greater the profit.
No one who has read official documents needs to be told how easy it is to conceal the essential truth under the apparently candid and all-disclosing phrases of a voluminous and particularizing report???.
Woodrow Wilson
???If you want me to give you a two-hour presentation, I am ready today.?? If you want only a five-minute speech, it will take me two weeks to prepare.???
Mark Twain
From Dangerous Intersection via Daring Fireball
A Mac OS X Leopard developer tool for debugging HTTP services by graphically creating & inspecting complex HTTP messages.
Via Dan Benjamin
An open source take on Adobe’s AIR. Finally.
I’ve been using Apache’s Directory Studio, and JXplorer, but just found LDAPManager, which is a native Cocoa app for browsing LDAP trees. Ahhh.
Update: Overall I like the simplicity of LDAPManager’s interface, but it appears to have a significant bug: it drops the connection to the server (in my case, AD) and trying to re-connect hangs the app. Will keep testing…
Tilt-shift rocks. Metal Heart (via Vimeo)
sudo gem install rubygems-updatesudo update_rubygems
A collaborative text editor. I’m trying to install it via MacPorts, but getting a series of dependency errors that I’ll have to work through.
Notify users when their session expires. Nice.
When you hit a wrong note it???s the next note that makes it good or bad.
Miles Davis
Make your photos look like old Polaroid photos. I???ve owned a Polaroid, and while nothing rivals digital cameras for their instant gratification satisfaction injection, I still kind of miss the anticipation of the first barely visible image fragments emerging from the white haze of the chemical-infused plastic.
Ah, memories.
Wow. Rails just keeps adding on the frosting. I can hardly keep up with all of the developments. Awesome.
Via Ryan’s Scraps
The easiest way to build a product that kicks ass is to start with someone else’s great idea, and take stuff away.
Your user is… you. Really, nothing more to be said.
Via Daring Fireball
What can YOU build in 48 hours?
“WysiHat is a WYSIWYG JavaScript framework that provides an extensible foundation to design your own rich text editor. WysiHat stays out of your way and leaves the UI design to you.”
So, as more people start to read this little tumblog, I’m starting to think that I should actually write something instead of just link/photo/video dumping. Writing, for me, takes focus, time, patience, and practice. Sort of like balancing rocks.
Via Signal vs. Noise
ILoveSketch is an amazing application. And the video above, particulary 5:00 and beyond is just mind blowing.
Daily example of Rails code refactoring. Love refactoring. Love the site and its simplicity, both from a content, focus, and design standpoint.
“RubyOSA provides a bridge from Ruby to the Apple Event Manager. It allows Ruby programs to automate Mac OS X applications in the same way as AppleScript.”
See if your preferred username is available on a ton of sites.
Stand-Alone W3C HTML Validator Application for Mac OS X
I need to find some time to develop at least ONE iPhone app. Here’s a solid primer. [Via ArsTechnica]
I think I’m going to spend some quality time with my AppleTV this weekend, and install Boxee. Thanks for the inspiration @dontstopninja!
[Update] @boxee saw my tweet about them, and hooked me up with an alpha invite. Schweet!
I’m drooling. Anyone up for a roadtrip?
Small bit of self-promotion. I was interviewed by CIO Mag for my work at iCrossing with wikis. Check it out. =)
Wow. Apple lifts the iPhone NDA, and the floodgates open.
In your terminal:
Debug Menu:
defaults write com.apple.Safari IncludeInternalDebugMenu 1
Web Inspector:
defaults write com.apple.Safari WebKitDeveloperExtras -bool true
Drosera JS Debugger:
defaults write com.apple.Safari WebKitScriptDebuggerEnabled -bool true
Restart Safari (if it’s open). Explore and enjoy!
[UPDATE] Timothy Hatcher pointed out that you can now simply turn on the tools from Safari’s advanced preferences, and that since Drosera was replaced, the command is moot. Thanks Timothy!
“Emailtoid is a simple mapping service that enables the use of email addresses as OpenID identifiers.”
This site is awesome. It’s no secret that I work for iCrossing and a big part of what we do is analytics and data visualization. GraphJam is The Onion of charts and graphs.
You have to be able to laugh at yourselves, right? Definitely check it out.
$sudo scutil --set HostName your.cool.hostname
The web site that hosts GetBundle appears to be down. Here’s the shell script to install it from the Macromates site. Save it to a file, and grant execute perms:
$ chmod u+x textmate_install_getbundle.sh
$ ./textmate_install_getbundle.sh
Here’s the script…
#!/bin/shLC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8SVN=`which svn`echo Changing to Bundles directory...mkdir -p /Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundlescd /Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundlesif [ -d /Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/GetBundle.tmbundle ]; then echo GetBundle bundle already exists - updating... $SVN up GetBundle.tmbundleelse echo Checking out GetBundle bundle... $SVN --username anon --password anon co http://macromates.com/svn/Bundles/trunk/Bundles/GetBundle.tmbundle/fiecho Reloading bundles in TextMate...osascript -e 'tell app "TextMate" to reload bundles'
Obligatory ‘Talk Like a Pirate Day’ utility
These were the most complete and accurate instructions I could find. Note that it wiped out my previous ruby install and replaced it with MacPorts Ruby. I had to re-load all of my gems, etc. You have been warned.
Nothing final, but it looks like PostgreSQL is moving to GitHub. Noice.
Thanks @JaysonJPhillips
OpenSource virtualization software. I’m currently using VMWare on my MBP, but I’ve been meaning to give VB (ha!) a try. Now might be a great time.
More Rails documentation goodness
S’worth a shout.
Now with gem-liciousness
Actively encourage users to update their browsers.
Google’s Chrome on Mac (on Windows)
Object-based search.
An email verification plugin.
Different tabs, different cookies. Awesome.
Very quick demo of HAProxy
Turn any Tumblr blog into a playlist
A Rails plugin to augment ActionMailer to send emails via the SilverPop Service
“Cappuccino is an open source framework that makes it easy to build desktop-caliber applications that run in a web browser.”
From the site:
The AJAX Libraries API is a content distribution network and loading architecture for the most popular open source JavaScript libraries. By using the Google AJAX API Loader’s google.load()
method, your application has high speed, globaly available access to a growing list of the most popular JavaScript open source libraries including:
Google App Engine mini-app for running HEAD requests
Online ERD generator, done in javascript.
Pretty print?? your SQL
Upcoming Facebook for iPhone interface. Touchscreens FTW!
Rewrite javascript_include_tag to use google’s host versions of prototype and scriptaculous
Single sign-on authentication for enterprise web apps
Remote control multiple Macs.
Yes, I’m a Rails guy, but I love anything that make me smarter about site architecture. This blog post certainly qualifies.
…free, but ad-supported
Simple Update Protocol.
Process and task monitoring done right
A library for robust daemon management
I had versions 1 & 2. Actually, I still have a working version of 2, but one LED is burnt out.
I might’ve posted this before, but it’s worth re-posting.
Finally, though Ruby continues to be a stumbling block. Ha!
Finally. Persistent storage.
Copy and paste in address bar of page:
javascript:var els = document.getElementsByTagName(‘input’); for(var x=0; x<els.length; x++){ if(els[x].type.toLowerCase() == ‘password’ ){ var test = els[x].type = ‘text’;}}
Edit the .vmx file to add:
bios.bootDelay = “boot delay in milliseconds”
Mac OS X: Put your drives in your dock.
An oldie, but a goodie.
From the site: “The Mechanize library is used for automating interaction with websites. Mechanize automatically stores and sends cookies, follows redirects, can follow links, and submit forms. Form fields can be populated and submitted. Mechanize also keeps track of the sites that you have visited as a history.”
Resourceful provides a convenient Ruby API for making HTTP requests
Consume APIs in Ruby like it’s a party! Via Ruby Inside.
From the site: “Deprec is a collection of automated recipes, written in Ruby, for installing, configuring and controlling services on remote servers.”
via Ryan Bates of Railscasts.com, as a comment on this article.
During a discussion with a CEO at a former employer, I began to explain why APIs were important, and pointed to Twitter as an example of how an API can mean the difference between leading and following. He told me that, other than developers, no one cares about or understands APIs, and therefore they weren’t important. He wasn’t able to see past the tactical implementation, understand the basic concept, and extrapolate out a few steps.
I left that company.
Delicious 2.0 launched yesterday, but thanks to the great Firefox plugin, I rarely visit to the site. I never would’ve know the site was updated if I hadn’t read my feeds.
Broke my only pair of glasses this morning, so I needed something to make me laugh. This is old-ish, but still funny; it made me laugh. Brawndo. Enjoy.
Sweet little Ruby gem so you can tweet from the command line, unencumbered by the weight of a GUI. I’m in!
Safari, Opera, and IE users rejoice!
My 12seconds.tv account (slightly doctored in photoshop). I haven’t posted yet; waiting for hair and makeup. =)
Want an invite? DM me your email address - http://www.twitter.com/ByteEngine/
Disable automatic project tree refresh
Lazy? That’s me! And always remember, kids: Laziness is the father of invention.