From their site:
A manifesto.
Green Thing is a community that’s here to help as many people as possible in as many countries as possible to do the Green Thing. A community of Green Things across the world will not only make a sizeable CO2 saving, it will encourage governments and businesses to do the Green Thing too.
To help achieve all of that, Green Thing is a number of things.
Green Thing is an easy thing. Because lots of small things can add up to more than a few big things, Green Thing suggests one easy thing a month to tempt as many people as possible to do it. Green Thing is also free which makes it easier to be part of.
Green Thing is a creative thing. Because entertainment is very inspiring and lectures a bit less so, the monthly Green Things are suggested with brilliant content from brilliant writers, musicians, designers, directors and artists - pro and am, young and old.
Green Thing is a not-for-profit thing. Because people are cynical about commercial or political agendas, Green Thing is an independent, not-for-profit thing powered by grants from foundations and individual contributions.
Green Thing is a credible thing. Because people want to know that their action is making a difference, Green Thing is endorsed by some of the planet’s leading environmental thinkers and reports back every month on the collective difference the whole community is making.
Green Thing is a principled thing. There are certain things Green Thing will and won’t do.
It will react and respond to the community. Green Thing is everybody’s thing.
It won’t hide anything, ever. The science behind the suggestions, where the money comes from, mistakes that will inevitably be made.
It will reuse existing thinking and technology wherever possible. It’s quicker, more sustainable and cheaper too.
It won’t take money from businesses producing the most C02 (oil companies, for instance, or airlines). Given what Green Thing is trying to do, it would be a bit ridiculous.
If Green Thing is about one thing, it’s people power. If we all contribute to Green Thing, it will become as creative, as credible and as irresistible as it can be. If we all do the Green Thing, it will make the biggest impact it can make.
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