Friday, November 30, 2007
Evel Knievel is the first person I remember wanting to be when I grew up. Never figured out if he had balls, was just plain stupid, or a sick, twisted mix of both. Whatever he was, it was awesome. An original badass.
RIP Evel
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Google Experimental Search
Have you ever wanted to change the way Google searches for and displays results, such as adding Google Suggest to their home page, a left-hand search navigation, or an alternative view like a timeline? Well, now you can:
Online Favicon Generator
The number of sites that still do not have a favicon - the icon that appears next to your URI in the brower’s location bar - in 2007, almost 2008. So, here’s some help in generating a favicon for your site.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
It’s amazing how enduring Mr. T (or, should I say, the character) is. Like the William Shatner commercial, it’s funny.
LowPro: Unobtrusive Javascript (for Prototype)
Avoid ugly, messy, inline javascript. If you dare.
A small, clean, Ruby library for generating thumbnails in almost any format.
Safari CSS Reference
For all of you iPhone/web coders out there…
Monday, November 26, 2007
I want one! Ok, it’s waaay expensive, and I probably want it only to put on display for its industrial design, but can you blame me?
BitNami: Open Source Application Stacks
BitNami is a project with the goal of making it simple to install open source software. Each “stack” - there are currently 18 - is self-contained, and does not interfere with your existing software. You can even have multiple versions of the same stack. Check it out!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Railscast #81 - Fixtures in Rails 2.0
Rails 2.0 fixutres, which are much improved, and easier to manage. Check it out.
Medicine: Philips's Brilliance CT 3-D X-Ray Scanner
Beauty isn’t only skin deep…
Back from Vacation
Friday, November 23, 2007
Like to Tweet, Tumble, or Pownce? HelloTxt let’s you post to all of those sites (and others), all at the same time. As I am fond of saying…”Laziness is the father of invention.” =)
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Das Keyboard - The Blank Keyboard
I dig this keyboard, and would definitely get one, but I don’t have all of my number row keys memorized yet. Of course, using this keyboard on a daily basis would force you to learn them out of sheer necessity. As an alternative, I guess you could buy the Optimus Maximus keyboard, and just leave the key displays off, but that’s a large wad of cash just to flash some geek chic.
Dell should’ve hired Shatner - or at least a director that knows how to direct - instead of the B and C players they used for the site. Best TV actor ever.
Dell Enlists Stars to Help You Beg for a New Notebook
I agree with I mean, design is clean and tight, and I like the concept, but the execution is, well, lacking. I’m not fond of Dell’s use of shills, and badly-directed ones at that; I’ve seen these actors do good work (c’mon, ‘Boogie Nights’), but this isn’t it. Who hand-picked this star-studded extravaganza? What the hell does Estelle Harris know about computers. Watch her video, and it’ll be instantly apparent…not much.
I know that “social” is a well-worn buzzword, but I would have spun it social-style with UGC, tagging, ranking, etc. and so on. You know…”Web2.0” it. Where’s the viral aspect? Yes, you can leech email addresses from your existing mail accounts in order to send a canned video, but that’s it? Zzzz.
First the Dell Dude is waiting tables, and now this. Dude, I’m _not_ getting a Dell.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Railscasts #80 - Simplify Views with Rails 2.0
The latest Railscast is up. Epside 80 focuses on cleaning up your views with Rails 2.0’s smarter helper funciton. Check it out!
I’m writing this post on a Mac, but I use an XP every day at work. Each OS has its + and -, so this isn’t about starting a flame war. I just think the ad is funny.
Laughing == good. - Get a shareable URL for your file
Another simple way to share files. Upload a file (250MB max), and get a shareable URL for it. It even includes password protection and configurable expiration.
Monday, November 19, 2007
The Dukes of Hazzard R/C Car | GeekAlerts
Admit it, you watched The Dukes of Hazzarrd, just like I did.??
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Games Radar: Guitar Hero III vs. Rock Band
As I’ve said, I have GH3, and I love it. I’ve been bored with gaming for a while, but I’m having a blast with GH3. If you love music and video games, it’s a sure bet you’ll love it.????????
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Being Green: Do The Green Thing
From their site:
A manifesto.
Green Thing is a community that’s here to help as many people as possible in as many countries as possible to do the Green Thing. A community of Green Things across the world will not only make a sizeable CO2 saving, it will encourage governments and businesses to do the Green Thing too.
To help achieve all of that, Green Thing is a number of things.
Green Thing is an easy thing. Because lots of small things can add up to more than a few big things, Green Thing suggests one easy thing a month to tempt as many people as possible to do it. Green Thing is also free which makes it easier to be part of.
Green Thing is a creative thing. Because entertainment is very inspiring and lectures a bit less so, the monthly Green Things are suggested with brilliant content from brilliant writers, musicians, designers, directors and artists - pro and am, young and old.
Green Thing is a not-for-profit thing. Because people are cynical about commercial or political agendas, Green Thing is an independent, not-for-profit thing powered by grants from foundations and individual contributions.
Green Thing is a credible thing. Because people want to know that their action is making a difference, Green Thing is endorsed by some of the planet’s leading environmental thinkers and reports back every month on the collective difference the whole community is making.
Green Thing is a principled thing. There are certain things Green Thing will and won’t do.
It will react and respond to the community. Green Thing is everybody’s thing.
It won’t hide anything, ever. The science behind the suggestions, where the money comes from, mistakes that will inevitably be made.
It will reuse existing thinking and technology wherever possible. It’s quicker, more sustainable and cheaper too.
It won’t take money from businesses producing the most C02 (oil companies, for instance, or airlines). Given what Green Thing is trying to do, it would be a bit ridiculous.
If Green Thing is about one thing, it’s people power. If we all contribute to Green Thing, it will become as creative, as credible and as irresistible as it can be. If we all do the Green Thing, it will make the biggest impact it can make.
Being Green: Ecolect
From their site:
“Our mission is simple: to be the largest, freely accessible sustainable materials library in the world.”
Friday, November 16, 2007 Fix a 360 "Red Ring of Death"
I was one of the “lucky” folks who experienced the RRoD early on. I was in the midst of playing Gears of War, totally obsessed with finishing the game, and ready for another battle. But no, the RRoD put a swift end to my obsession. I fought a vicious fight with Microsoft over a fee; they wanted me to pay for something that was clearly their fault, but in the end I capitulated, and paid the fee.
Damn. Defeat. I was battle weary but I wanted to play Gears of War. I know…you don’t have to say it…”wuss.”
The good news is that Micrsoft eventually relented, refunded my repair fee, and even extended the warranty on my system, but they had already damaged their brand. My 360 has worked without issue since, and for the most part the expectation of seeing the RRoD every time I boot up the XBox has faded, but it has not faded completely.
TechCrunch: NBC Picks Up MySpace Show Quarterlife
This is being reported as “…the first time a made for internet program has been picked up by a television network in the United States.” All I can say is
“It was going to happen evenutally; what took the networks so long?”
I worked in video post production for 11 years, and (along with many others) predicted this, but thought it would happen sooner. Seems that the rising availability of broadband connections, fast computers, “web2.0”, and the epiphany by the broadcast industry that the future is online, have all finally come together.
Actually, I take that back, it wasn’t an epiphany by the industry, it might be best compared to the police cruiser in the Blues Brothers; as long as the vehicle is running, they are going to ride (in) it until the end. Yes, there is oil spraying out of a leaky head gasket, smoke belching from under the hood, and 3 misfiring cylinders, but it hasn’t died, so why spend money on a new car? This one is perfectly fine. Maybe we’ll just rent a new car…take some deep whiffs of the new car smell, sit in the plush leather seats, and play with the surround-sound-gps-navigation-super-system. But we’re definitely not buying something new until our car dies.
If I were you, I wouldn’t wait too long.??
From their site:
Turn readers into listeners, and transform your blog into a high quality,
ad-supporting broadcast that can vastly expand your audience reach!
- Automatic podcast generation
- ???Near-human??? quality text-to-speech
- Listen Button feature deployed in next to no time for WordPress, Blogger, TypePad and Terapad platforms
- Detailed download statistics
- Make money from embedded ads