Happy New Year!
I’m currently #1 on??http://www.club140.org.??Ok, so it’s simply a roll of the latest twooshes, but hey, number one - even for a brief period in time - is something to screen shot about.
It’ll be gone by the time you read this, so I took a pic as proof.??=)
Check out the photo gallery of the new features. Here’s a quick rundown:
Via??Gear Live.
Wow. Netscape is dead. Long live Netscape.
Watch this 9-year old beat Guitar Hero 3 on expert. I am not worthy; he is.
Use an SD card as an IDE drive in your PC. Schweet.
Your chance of successfully taking a perfect group photo drops in proportion to the number of people participating in the effort. Enter in Group Shot. Micrsoft’s Group Shot is free software that enables you to mashup a frameable image from all of your failed attempts by selecting the best faces from each photo, and creating a new, composited image.
This software is (of course) Windows-only, and having recently switched to Mac (I’m doing my best to avoid Vista), I’m unable to try it, but the folks at Freeware Genius have and they were impressed with the results. Check it out.
via Freeware Genius
From an article on InfoQ:
Ruby 1.9 brings lots of changes and new features. Many of these will be well-received, such as the new literal hash syntax which among other things lets you do away with the => in calls to methods which take hash arguments, so a call like:
link_to :controller => 'People', :action => "list"
link_to controller: fred, action: "list"
A summary of changes can be found on Eigenclass
UPDATE/NOTE: If you are not aware (like I wasn’t), Ruby uses odd numbered releases to indicate experimental/development releases, and even numbered releases to for production-ready release. So, I’d recommend against updating your production servers to 1.9.??I guess you learn something new every day…if you’re lucky.??
Even if we accept - for a second - that KITT was a Mustang in the original series - which it wasn’t - it wouldn’t have been designed as poorly as this dreadfully designed Mustang is. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that this Mustang was designed by the same person leading NBC’s digital efforts; clearly NBC is lacking depth, understanding, and vision in their efforts. I’m sure it’s there somewhere, but I’m struggling to find it.
via?? Engadget
Your Mozilla world (and eventually, maybe more), online.
Apparently, Adam L. Peneberg isn’t the brightest of bulbs…
Yet, anyway. The company I work at is closed next week, so there is a mad rush by our clients to get the work in before the end of this week. So, posting will be??sporadic until this weekend.
Hit me up at mschultz (at) byteengine (dot) net if you’d like to ping me.??
I’d include the pictures, but I don’t want to spoil the surprise.
A continuously variable transmission (CVT) for bicycles. That’s sweet.
Forget Excel and hard-coded DBs. Check out DabbleDB, which allows you to slice and dice data on-the-fly. I’ve only viewed the seven minute demo but it looks very interesting. Check it out. Thanks @juliaroy!
Not exactly a true simulator…but close enough. Check it out:
The eeePC is looking better every day…
If you have one clock … you are peaceful and have no worries. If you have two clocks … you start asking, ‘What time is it, really?’
Ok, it’s down at the moment, but Google’s Solar Panel Project collects uses a monitoring system to collect real-time stats and translate them into something meaningful, such as “hours of TV watching.” Check it out.
Apple is offering some insane prices on their refurbs, especially the MacBook Pros. Act now, supplies are limited!
I recently joined Seesmic, but since it is based on Adobe Flash, I can’t use it to create videos from my (i)Phone. Qik allows you to stream videos directly from your phone…if you have a Nokia, that is. Apparently, that’s all they’re supporting at the moment, but expect this to change in the coming weeks.
Most tech savvy folks understand how to tweak their searches (on Google, Yahoo!, etc.) to include or exclude search terms, but a lot of people don’t even know the feature exists. SortFix provides a drag-and-drop interface, allowing you to visually add or remove terms from your search.
Check it out: SortFix??
I have to agree with Jakob Lodwick about the Tay Zonday Dr. Pepper commercial. Ok, so the guy likely got some coin, but is he in on the joke…on him?
From the BBC’s site: “Activision and Blizzard have said they will form “the world’s most profitable games business” in a deal worth $18.8bn (??9.15bn).” [via BBC]