Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Thanks. No.

“Thanks, but no thanks. I know you think that picture of a puppy/kitten/infant/tiger cub/Lolcat/sunrise/sunset/forest/beach/optimcal illusion/etc is the cutest/most adorable/cuddly/precious/now/breathtaking/awe inspiring/amazing/etc thing you’ve ever seen, but please don’t send these things to me any more.”

I repeat this statement so much that I’ve become rude. Now I don’t have to. Thanks. No.

Basic premise: Email only needs to be five sentences or less. I’m thinking about giving this a shot.

And oh...Happy Halloween.

I totally forgot it was 10/31.

Aptana Studio 1.0

Finally out of beta and rebranded as “Aptana Studio”. I’ll have to download it and give it a whirl.

I’ve actually been using E-Text Editor as a general-purpose text editor for a while (replacing the old standby TextPad), and have recently switched to it for Rails dev as a trial.

"I am better than your kids."

Need a laugh on a Wednesday? An OLDIE but a GOODIE!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Do-Not-Track list? Should Marketers be Afraid?


Eh…don’t give up search just yet.

Google OpenSocial: Launching Thursday

As reported on TechCrunch Google is launching OpenSocial on Thursday. OpenSocial looks to be a set of APIs that developers utilize to create apps that work on any participating social network.

The following URLs are supposed to go live on Thusday:

Partners include:

Read more about it on TechCrunch Architecture

High Scalability is one of my favorite sites for learning about the science of scaling web sites. Check out this post on how serves up of 45mm hits a day.


Just ‘cause.



Google phone in two weeks?

Check it out on TechConsumer.

Oakley on Rails

Oakley is switching to Rails. Remember folks, I’m not an evangelist, Rails just works for me, I enjoy working in it, so I use it. Simple enough. Your mileage may vary.

Going Incognito

I don’t visit sex shops, but if I did…

"I've gotta get me one of these..."

Add Wi-Fi to almost any digital camera

Leaf Networks - Connecting people with devices

Leaf Networks allows you to create ad-hoc virtual networks. This would be great…if it supported Mac. I’m usually on a PC, but my creatives are all on Mac. Seems like Linux is next up, though.

It’s worth a look.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Prototip 1.1.0 Update

I use Prototip on my Rails application (currently in private beta; public launch Q1 2008), and recommend it. The previous version was good, but it lacked support for some basic functionality, such as delay. The 1.1.0 update rectifies this situation, and more. My fav new function: toggle!

Check out Prototip at



‘Nuff Said

Sunday, October 28, 2007

CSS Sprite Generator

Here’s a similar thing, ‘cept for images. It’s different in that it allows you to create one big image from your smaller ones and use CSS sprites to display the cropped area of the image. Noice.


Loading a lot of individual files in your Rails app? Want to cut down the round-trips to the server? Try Bundle-Fu.

Two (or more) computers, one keyboard

I have a Mac and an XP (laptop) machine on my desk. I’m a fan of keeping my desk free of keyboards so I have more room to pile printouts and eWeeks that I’ll never read.

So, I use Win2Vnc to control my mac from my XP laptop. It’s not full-featured (e.g., doesn’t support transferring clipboard data), but it works. Sometimes that’s all you need.



That’s 52nd and Madison, looking northbound.



My new view. This is 51st and Madison, looking southbound.

Ferrari FXX Evoluzione


Wow. Check it out on Autoblog.

restful_authentication security issue

If you’re using the restful_authentication plugin for your Rails app, there is a major security issue. Update your code ASAP.

Community Debugging

Maybe it’s better described as a community helpdesk.

Thursday, October 25, 2007



WTH on a Fall day.

Our office is moving (floors), so everyone is working from home. This is my “home office”.



My first tattoo: Left leg, above the ankle. Got it in Kona Hawai’i one hour before I had to leave to catch our flight back to NY.

I like tumblr.

I love to write. I love it, but it’s tough for me. Words flow like water from a fountain for some; for me, they flow like mud throw a straw. I get them out eventually, but it’s a long, arduous struggle not without some loses along the way. It takes so much work, in fact, that it drains me. It’s a good hurt, but it hurts nonetheless.

That’s why I don’t have a blog, and why I like tumblr. I don’t feel pressured to write prolifically long blog posts filled with amazing insights, witty comments, and intelligent observations. When I get that burst of inspiration, I’ll be ready, but until then, I’m venturing out past my 140 character-limited tweets onto tumblr.

This is my journey. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007



Google Reader @ 20” rocks!



My new 20” rotatable LCD, courtesy of our kick-ass IT team. (Full disclosure: I’m 25% in IT)



Moving day (at the office)



Different view, same day.

I’ve posted other pics of my morning commute, but they are all almost identical.



My view, pre-move.

Oh yeah, our office is moving from the 21st floor to 4. We’ll see…??

Monday, October 22, 2007



Here’s the lake. =)



Check out the sign at the bottom of the picture. I found it by accident, buried in the weeds at the base of this road sign, while I was walking back to my bike after taking a picture of a lake.

Some people would rather live a risk-free life. Good luck with that.

My First Blog Post

Yes, really.

I tweet a lot (, but up until now, I haven’t blogged a single word.

I guess I can cross this off of my list now.
